Write for Us

Thank you for your interest in writing for Pelican Book Group.  Below you will find guidelines for each of our imprints. Once you are certain your story falls within our guidelines, please use the FICTON submission form or the NON-FICTION submission form to query us.

While each imprint has specific guidelines, the following belongs to all imprints: No foul language or taking the Lord's name in vain. No gratuitous or gory descriptions of violence. No sensual or lengthy descriptions of lovemaking. No use of trademarks without permission or fair use. (we err on the side of no-use when fair use is ambiguous)

We do not respond to submissions that do not fit our guidelines. Thank you for understanding.

*Note* We have been receiving a number of submissions for books that are currently self- or vanity-published. Please do not submit a proposal for a book that is currently for sale or is posted online for free reading.

Agents: Please do not use this form. Submit your standard proposal to agentquery(at)pelicanbookgroup.com.


  • We are open to many topics. All must adhere to mainline Christianity. None must "bash" another religion or any Christian denomination. We are here to lift up, not tear down. That said, we are not interested in books that mix Christianity with non-Christian ideologies, especially where those ideologies directly oppose biblical teaching. (eg. "Christian" astrology.) If you are submitting non-fiction, you may do so now: NON-FICTION submission form
  • Non-fiction word count should be between 25,000 and 80,000



Note: Submissions to CROSSOVER BOOKS are by invitation only. Please do not query us for this imprint. Thank you.



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