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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars We each have a story we carry with us, in many cases, several stories where we, ourselves do not know how it will end. If I was to delve into the story of college, and one of the brightest moments I had that carried me through graduate schools, it was that of meeting author Kimberly Miller. Kim was one of our group trying to find our own path and way through college. We al loved literature and one of my defining moments from college was following in her foot steps as an intern for the Pittsburgh Pirates. She showed me the ropes and then some. She always had a knack for putting something momentous into writing however. Picking Daisy would be no exception.

When I found out she had published her first YA book, to be honest I was nervous. I was so excited for her, and yet I was so nervous in how to approach her novel, when would I read it, I wasn't into the genre of novels I thought this might be, what would I say upon reading it if it wasn't my best effort in reviewing it?

Toss all that out of the window. When I opened my Barnes & Noble delivery yesterday and saw that Kimberly Miller's novel arrived, it told me it was a sign to read it right away, it was not due until after Christmas, and yet, here it was.

As I scanned the front the back, the inside, the front, I saw mega references to how important it was to include God, the Gospel, and just a lifestyle that did not have to be corrupted by worldly things to be pretty darn great, and to some that might be a turnoff, as in "Um, thanks, but no thanks." Not in this case, if you knew Kimberly Miller, you knew she walked the walk of a life that was always giving, always thoughtful, and always made you think alot of yourself as well. If this novel was any part of that - let me have at it.

The funny thing was as I began to dive into her novel early on, my first thought was "Wow, this is an actual book my colleague and friend wrote! In my hands!" and by page 8, I was curious about alot more than finding out what the novel would appear like to me in knowing Kimberly, I wanted to know more about Daisy, about Robby, and about how their spheres of influence would work out the difficulties many of us experience in different ways.

Many of you might be way too young to remember, and I am dating myself, but some of the best stories and shows I ever watched were those with my family in Pittsburgh, from shows like The Waltons, to reading books that were geared towards girls but I found fascinating like Anne of Avonlea, the Hardy Boys, and heck, maybe I just liked to know what girls were curious about too, because yeah, I like girls too, but, (that is beside the point) - it is very rare to find movies, shows, and stories that simply explore the decisions and struggles that open the way for a better path. Without the need for violence, explicit scenes, or exaggerated language. When a quality story does occur, it is pretty amazing, and it allows the individual to contemplate their own life as well.

I have to say, for how many amazing things I have been lucky to experience, I have also had some major lows that often I thought I would never get through. Picking Daisy made me think alot about where I have come, how far I have yet to go, as well as the basic aspects of like that make life pretty darn awesome, especially with the struggles we have to work through. Never once was the mention of God or a belief in God overshadowing the strength of this plot, they worked hand in hand.

Being able to put your own life under a microscope, and doing so willingly, based on the characters, plot, and outcome of a novel is a sign of a novel that helps you dig deep and depart with much substance. Picking Daisy does this and more, and lets you realize, it is worth taking time to find out who you are, where you are going, where you have been, and where you want to be, for your own sake, as well as for the sake of others that might need to answer the same questions.

There is no such thing as a genre not fitting a reader in this case, all aspects of this novel fit like a glove, and author Kimberly Miller lets that glove seem like a natural fit. To read in one day a 334 page book without blinking, and wonder what happens even beyond these pages, that says it all. Only when I reached the end did I remember, "Yeah, this is a novel my colleague and friend Kimberly Miller wrote!", you will get lost too between the pages. Not a bad way to celebrate the true gifts of Christmas now is it?
PBG Booklover
Harry B
Date Added: 02/06/2018 by PBG Marketing Dept
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