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Mammoth Secrets: Softcover


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Mammoth Secrets is such a tender tale of love, hope and redemption that warms the heart. At the same time, each page brings such a unique turn of a phrase that reading this story reminds me of an Easter egg hunt--just around each corner is a new treat. But the strength of Mammoth Secrets lies in its bones. Deep inside, precious themes of trust and faith lie waiting to be discovered. Ashley Ludwig has bravely taken the themes of lost love and divorce that many authors would steer clear of and woven them into a profound story that reminds us of how we should view our neighbors--through our Father's eyes and not our own. I would highly recommend Mammoth Secrets to anyone who loves inspirational romance--and to anyone who has struggled with reconciling faith and divorce. A brave and tender story, brilliantly woven.
Date Added: 05/21/2015 by Dona Watson
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