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The Watchman


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars What a phenomenal story! I love Virginia's writing! Pardon the exclamation points, but it's true. Her stories are wonderful. This is the fourth one I've read and they're all great.

The Watchman grabbed me, literally, from page one! Abuse a child? No way! And especially from someone he should be able to trust? Plus abuse the child's mother for trying to protect him? Not on my watch! We all need that Watchman, someone to watch over us when those who have power are not what they should be.

This story is written with a gentle, but firm hand, true to the seriousness of the topic, but not overwhelming in the horrible details - but certainly enough to bring out the protector in anyone's heart. The dialogue is sometimes witty and entertaining, and the characters all reach out to touch your heart.

Wonderful story! Really, DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!!!
Date Added: 10/13/2014 by Donna Basinow
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