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Kassidy's Crescendo


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Kassidy’s Crescendo by Marianne Evans....There is so much to say about Kassidy’s story that it’s got me beaming and full of joy to know that her character reflects so much on how girls of all ages should fall in love and expect nothing less than finding a man that loves her completely from the inside out. A man that deeply loves her and would move mountains to show his love, his honor, his grace for her. And that’s what Kassidy does in Drew. Their relationship blooms from something so pure, so innocent, and so constant, their faith in God. A story of how that faith in God, through struggles and hard times of finding it, will make us stronger and love purely, solely through His guidance. Kassidy is strong in her faith and her dedication and courage to show Drew what God’s love is and that God loves him so much, WOW!, this story will wrap you in joy and happiness but carry through storms that even you will learn from and be reminded that God loves you too and will never forsake you and He will bring your heart the purest of joy and have you dancing from within! Thank you Marianne for yet another amazing story in this series! Happy Reading to Everyone!
Date Added: 09/07/2014 by Sharon Dean
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