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Siobhan's Beat


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Siobhan is petite, a ballerina, and Aileen’s one best friend; but, more than that, she’s Liam’s sister—Aileen’s crush. She sees Aileen as more than a friend, she hopes one day they’ll be sisters. And when she receives a call, promising exciting news, she can’t wait to get over to Aileen’s and find out what has her friend so ecstatic.

Getting to Aileen’s is derailed, though, when Siobhan’s car takes a spin on the icy road and she has to be rushed to the hospital. As the news unfolds, she learns it’s more than she or her best friends, Aileen, Kassidy, or Maeve can fathom in a lifetime. The troublesome thing, however, is Siobhan’s injuries sustained in her car crash. From that moment, she must battle through feelings of doubt, wanting to allow her friends to move forward with their lives, yet feelings of envy as she realizes she may be holding them back.

New and unexpected relationships form with the doctor, AJ Cooper, who’d treated Siobhan, while she and her “sisters” learn that God’s timing is not theirs, and trusting Him is paramount to any plan they think might work. Siobhan is an independent young woman, who doesn’t appear to like being told she can’t. This sparks frustration, in AJ, but before all is said and done, they each find they’re not to rely on their own strength, but God’s.

Again, Marianne Evans has placed a finger on a leaky vein in my heart. It’s that place that says, “I will not let you down, even if I cripple myself. I will make this work.” It takes a voice of reason, and truth, to bring my thinking back to center and focus on what’s most important—faith that God’s in control. The addition of Dr. AJ Cooper to the lineup to our Sisters in Spirits’ support system is that balancing voice of reason—not to mention a perfect match for someone as determined to excel as Siobhan.

Siobhan’s Beat is also the perfect complement to the Sisters in Spirit lineup of stories, as Marianne shares us her heart for allowing God to knit our hearts to those who will help ground us in our faith, as well as give us wings to fly.

May the Lord bless all your efforts today,

Karlene A. Jacobsen
Date Added: 10/26/2014 by PBG Marketing Dept
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