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Siobhan's Beat


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars This is a review of the second book in the "Sisters in Spirit" series by Marianne Evans. This book focus' on Siobhan Douglas, a beautiful, talented, graceful ballerina and a woman of faith. With her friends, Alieen, Kassidy, and Maeve, they make-up the newly signed group "Sisters in Spirit." Siobhan is not a singer, but she shares her talent, grace and love for God with others by ballet dancing to music while her friends sing. Things are going well as they get ready for making their first CD/DVD and going on tour; but after a freak accident, everything changes for Siobhan. She is devastated with so many uncertainties about the tour or even dancing again. " Why did this happen," “What about the group or the tour,” she ponders. Her friends and brother Liam rally around her during the long recovery and help Siobhan keep the faith. She meets Doctor Al Cooper in the hospital, who is also a man of faith and he is an integral part of her recovery. I loved this book. It is my favorite, probably because I can relate to Siobhan's story, and the love that develops between Siobhan and Dr. Cooper is amazing. I would be happy to meet a guy like AJ Cooper! :) You will cry with and root for Siobhan as she recovers. This book beautifully shows that even with our faith, we can still go through difficult struggles, distrust, being weak; however, God and those around us can help us get passed it and turn it into an even deeper faith and love for God. Everything happens for a reason and this book demonstrates how God can use accidents and struggles to bring glory to Himself and redemption to the story of our life.
Date Added: 09/22/2014 by Sherry Dennis
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