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Aileen's Song


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars When we follow what GOD wants us to be doing and see ourselves the way GOD sees us many blessing abound. Satan tries to thwart that with self doubt and road blocks.
Beauty shines forth from the inside out not from the way the world sees you but the way GOD sees you.

Ailee is a natural leader, she and her three friends Siobhan, Kassidy and Maeve have hung out together for years. They have made a pact of friendship and keeping each other accountable especially in purity and all things spiritual. When opportunity drops in their laps all this and more will be tested.
Ailee struggles with self image, her friends tell her she is beautiful and talented but she doesn't dare believe until her childhood crush encourages her to step out of her comfort zone and do what she was born to do. SING!

Marianne Evans spins a tale of true rare friendship and the beauty of sticking to convictions always honoring GOD. The importance of friends who support and encourage each other. Ailee's Song is a wonderful 5 star story.
Renette Steele
Date Added: 09/09/2014 by PBG Marketing Dept
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