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Killer Field Trip


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars In this book we catch up with Jeanine Talbott from Homeschooling can be Murder and her two children. This time they're all off on a field trip in the sunshine to go camping and learn about George Washington. Sounds fun, huh? Well... not really. Not when snow and a murder and kids who just can't stay put are involved.
I loved this book. Read far into the night on a couple of occasions and just couldn't put it down. The scenery is so brilliantly described, that I was transported from an overheated UK to a spring mountainside in the US. The heroines love, or rather make that NEED for coffee and hatred of snow was hilarious to read.
Definitely one to pick up and read.

(I was given a complimentary copy from the author in exchange for an honest review)
Date Added: 07/30/2014 by Clare Revell
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