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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Review of Riptide by Violet Nesdoly
Ashlyn Forsyth joins her husband Craig on St. Simons Island (Georgia) so they can work on their relationship. But when, after only three days, he hands her an envelope and then drives off with a female colleague from work, Ashlyn fears she’s been had.
Craig’s letter requesting a divorce and stating that he is dropping out of sight blindside this middle-aged marriage counselor/deacon’s wife. Surely, with her relationship experience, she should have seen it coming!
But Craig’s actions are only the beginning. The cancellation of all her credit cards, the seizure of their house in New York, and the visit of two FBI agents prove how serious is the trouble Craig and his investment agency are in. Soon Ashlyn is herself in a cat-and-mouse chase with the Russian mafia in Riptide by Eric E. Wright, a tale that kept me on the edge of my seat for most of its 328 pages.
Main character Ashlyn, struggles inwardly with why God is allowing these bad things to happen to her, will her young-adult children be safe, and who is she now that her marriage is falling apart and she no longer has the credibility to run her counseling business. Remy Jeandeau, a rough-around-the-edges but gentle shrimp fisherman keeps popping up whenever Ashlyn is in the thickest trouble. Soon she’s also fighting feelings about him that she knows a married woman shouldn’t be having.
The St. Simons Island setting, with its laid-back lifestyle and beautiful scenery is a contrast to the story’s dark elements. Wright’s descriptive yet efficient writing style is a good vehicle for this tale with scenes that range from lyrical to danger-filled. The hunt and chase segments are masterfully rendered; I felt like I was watching them on a big screen.
Readers who enjoy complex characters thrust into a world of danger and intrigue, where characters are driven to the edge and forced to dig deep to survive will enjoy Riptide. Watch for this Harbourlight book from Pelican Ventures, due to release in March of 2014.
I received a digital copy of Riptide from the author for the purpose of writing a review.
Date Added: 04/02/2014 by PBG Marketing Dept
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