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The Circle Girls


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars "The tongue tuns wild, a wanton killer. " (James 3, the Message)
I didn't expect to like this book. However, it drew me in like a vortex in the ocean, drawing me deeper and deeper into the spiral of the story until there was no escape and the story and I were one.
Delli travels between her world of snobbish California prep school and the Salem witch trials via dreams. She and her friends are the main characters, good and bad. Realizing history first-hand gives Delli a different perspective on both historic events and those happening around her in modern times. Delli begins to realize that people can greatly influence others' lives(in Salem, causing physical death) by gossip and lies. In the modern world, those lies might not cause physical death, but they cause great emotional harm to those being so bullied. Ever so slowly, Delli also comes to see the importance of herself and others standing up against the whispers and lies of others. This story is appropriate for young adults and older. Highly recommended!
The author, Anya Novikov, leaves a note at the end encouraging the reader to respect the differences of others. She also suggests that a bullied person seek out counsel from a respected teacher, pastor, or mentor. Great addend for someone needing help.
I received this book from bookfun.org and Pelican Book Group in exchange for an honest review.
Date Added: 10/28/2013 by Becky Lewis
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