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The Circle Girls: Softcover


(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars This is the story of a teenage girl who begins having vivid dreams of the Salem witch trials. Coincidentally, she is studying that very topic in school. The dreams parallel her life as the names of the people in her dreams are the same, or very similar to her own name and the names of the people in her life. As the dreams progress her fear of her own destiny becomes nearly overwhelming. In her dreams is an elusive young man who claims he will protect her from harm, and in reality a young man who recently moved into her neighborhood gives her some peace of mind regarding her fears. As the story unfolds events in her life become extremely complicated. She no longer trusts her closest friends. Will she find the solace she needs to cope with the dreams and her own dilemmas?

This is a book written for young adults, and is well written with descriptive elements regarding events and the locale, both regarding the dreams and this teen's surroundings. I had a bit of difficulty getting involved in the story, and I felt it was a bit repetitious, but all in all for a young adult story it is age appropriate. This is not a genre that I normally read, but it was interesting and kept my attention as the story progressed. Faith and hope abide throughout this book.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the For Readers Only group through The Book Club Network in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
Date Added: 01/04/2014 by Nancee Marchinowski
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