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(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars High octane suspense!
Twins have a special connection. Cara Dalton follows her twin, Jonas,into Columbia, thinking he is on a missionary venture. She is shocked to return to the states and have said twin turn her over to his former partner for safekeeping from a druglord. She hates the confinement, being told what to do when, depending on someone she barely knows.
Gage, Jonas's partner, doesn't much like the idea of playing bodyguard for this new woman who has a mind of her own and who possibly pities him his disability. Can they work together and trust God to bring good out of a bad situation?
Davy has obviously set herself up for a second book involving Jonas as the main character, should she choose to make this into a series.
I received this book from bookfun.org in exchange for an honest review.
Date Added: 09/10/2013 by Becky Lewis
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