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The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots: Softcover


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars flghtlss (Thursday, 27 June 2013)
Rating: 5

Meet The Characters:

Kirstie Donovan: Kirtsie tries her utmost to be a "dutiful" pastor's wife but feels weighted down with
issues of family and church life. She has three sons, Timmy the oldest is Autistic, Patrick and Daniel and between raising them and dealing
with the
complaints of some church members, her life is a struggle.

Aaron Donovan: Aaron is Kirstie's husband and the pastor of Eel
Falls First
Independent Christian Community Church. In the beginning Aaron is very timid and quit but he eventually takes charge. He loves his
wife and family
very much and embraces Kirstie and her dream, supporting her to the fullest.

Timmy Donovan: Timmy is Aaron and
Kirstie's Autistic son. He
is 17 years-old and ADORABLE. His character was captured so realistically. It was a great moment when he got excited
over the smallest of things.
Everyone loved Timmy and I just wanted to hug him.

Reba O'Malley: What a character! Reba is very
outspoken and outrageous. She is a true
"biker chick" and embraces Kirstie's desire to learn to ride. She is a loyal and faithful
friend, always coming in a time of need.

My Thoughts:

Kirstie Donovan, pastor Aaron's wife, had all she needed. Or so she
thought. Her husband pastored the local church, she had
a loving family and loyal friends. But her oldest son Timmy is Autistic and taking care
of him becomes a daily struggle. Her 15 year-old son, Patrick,
starts rebelling by staying out late and drinking. Bernice, a church member, is
always complaining about church matters. Kirstie realizes she isn't
content. She needs an outlet to break the monotiny. Her Aunt Mary used to
ride a bike and left Kirstie an inheritance to use on her and her alone.
Kirstie's one desire is to ride a bike like she did with her Aunt Mary
when she was a kid. And that's exactly what she does. With her friends Reba,
Opal and Lily forming a biker group called "The Lady
Eels", and Aaron backing her, Kirstie put her dream in motion.

I LOVED this
book! It had several "Favorite Scenes" to
choose from, some very funny ones, but I chose to use one that showed what the word
"LOVE" really means. To see these big, tough
bikers cheering on a child with down syndrome really made my heart swell. Karla Akins managed
to touch every emotion. One minute I was laughing
and the next I was crying. There was the right amount of spiritual overtones so that I didn't feel
like I was reading a Bible study lesson, but
a warm, funny, emtional story of coming together. There was even a little mystery included to round out
the mix. Her characters were spot-on.
Reba was a real hoot and Opal and Atticus were just simply adorable. The real kicker, though, was Timmy's
character. Timmy has Autism and she
portrayed him bueautifully. I wanted to reach out and wrap him in a warm hug. Karla Akins has a real winner in The
Pastor's Wife Wear Biker
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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