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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars dlathambooks@gmail.com (Friday, 04 January 2013)
Rating: 5

How can I review this book in words that aren’t stale, over-used “standard fare”? I desperately want to do that, because DEVOTION is NOT
standard fare. It reaches deep, deep into the reader’s emotions and touches the most sensitive places in the soul. Perhaps because I had read the
author’s Woodland series, I already felt a bond with Kellen and Juliet—and loved their obvious devotion to one another. When the back cover text
made it obvious that beautiful relationship would be shadowed by infidelity, my heart broke…my spirit rebelled. I wasn’t sure I even wanted to
read the book.
I’m glad I did.
Because the truth is, even the strongest of relationships endure temptation and whether through infidelity
or some other “bump in the road,” all go through difficult times and must find a way to forgiveness and triumph if they are to succeed. Evans
portrayed Kellen and Juliet’s trial by fire in vivid brushstrokes that leave a lasting imprint on the reader’s mind. Their path to recovery
becomes difficult to endure at times because the characters are so real that the reader’s heart beats in perfect synch…she suffers through each
wrench of the emotions and feels the dampness of every tear on her own face.
DEVOTION is a deeply emotional experience…a shining example of
stellar writing, and of God’s unparalleled finesse in mending a damaged masterpiece to make it even better, even more beautiful than before. Bravo,
Ms. Evans!
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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