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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars believegiants10 (Thursday, 24 May 2012)
Rating: 5

Devotion:rnrnA story that will have you looking deep in your heart. This story takes you on a journey that even if you aren't married you look at your
own heart and in situations that you may feel you are comfortable in. Alot of times in life we go by with our days and think that everything is
perfect and nothing could ever rock our solid ground. This story will take you on an emotional ride in the eyes of these characters and teach you many
lessons about yourself. This book is for couples and even singles that want to take a look into their own life and see that everything is not always
what we think and we can't always think our comfortable life is how it will be forever. Marianne this book is amazing. You captivated a true love
story of forgivness, second chances, and loss. I felt like I was with these characters walking with them, crying with them, and wanting to reach out a
hand or shoulder to cry one. This book will leave you all in awe and seeing what is true love..Praises Marianne on this story that I will remember for
a lifetime. So if you are looking for a book that grabs at your heart, makes you think even about situations in your own life and a can't put down
book this is the book for you! xoxo
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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