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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars dorahiers@msn.com (Sunday, 30 September 2012)
Rating: 5

From all outward indications, Kellen and Juliet appeared to have the perfect marriage. Both Christians, they share the same values and long to
complete their family with children. A successful music agent, Kellen falls into a pattern of skipping worship services, choosing instead to worship
at home. Juliet, active in church and various outreach opportunities, loves her husband and her life. When Kellen signs a rising star, he struggles
with desire and temptation for a woman other than his wife for the first time in his marriage. rnrnWhat a powerful reminder that no marriage is immune
to temptation and that we engage in spiritual warfare for our families on a daily basis. It's so easy to let life get in the way, to allow
relationships to take a back-burner to jobs and responsibilities, and to slip into convenient routines. Kellen and Juliet battled realistic emotions,
with plenty of angst and heavy drama you'd expect for a story line centered around temptation and broken trust. This is a story of re-commitment,
renewal, and devotion to God and each other. It's also a gem of a romance. If you're looking for a book to squeeze in a couple hours on a lazy Sunday
afternoon, Devotion probably isn't the book you should reach for. Don't expect to read it in one sitting, and be sure to have a box of tissues handy.
Great job tackling such a tough topic, Ms. Evans!rnrnDisclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from BTS in exchange for a fair and
honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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