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Tuesday's Child


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars dorahiers@msn.com (Tuesday, 16 October 2012)
Rating: 5

This is one of those books where you become so entrenched in the characters' lives, you'd like nothing better than to continue along with them after
the book ends. Adeline Munroe would be a great friend to have in real life. Spunky, caring, and she fixes boo-boos. On dolls.rnDon't you just love the
unusual occupations the author chooses for her heroines? And Nate? Who wouldn't love a hero who takes in his niece to raise? There's a great cast of
secondary characters as well, from Ben, Adeline's black and white Cavalier King Charles spaniel, to Vianne, Nate's niece who played integral roles in
the story.rnrnBeing deaf doesn't impair Adeline in any way. She's actually blessed with an abundance of other gifts, like visions of the Herbalist
killings before they happen. Nate doesn't see her as handicapped, but as the strong, independent, and beautiful heroine she is. If it weren't for the
occasional reminder from Adeline to look at her so she could read lips, as a reader, you almost forget the fact that she is deaf.rnrnTuesday's Child
is action-packed, and the suspense is quite intense. Just when you think the book's coming in for an ending, Ms. Revell slings another curve ball your
way. Great job, Clare Revell! I'm looking forward to the next story in the series, Wednesday's Child.rn rnDisclosure: I received this book from the
author for a fair and honest review.
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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