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The Blessing Seer


(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars cboyles (Saturday, 07 July 2012)
Rating: 4

This book is among the most powerful I have ever read, not only because of the message itself contained in the book, but also from the emotional
impact it had upon me. Sometimes we feel God isn’t listening to our prayers or pleas for help. But the answer isn’t always immediate. Often God
works to steer our lives in the directions they need to go. The Blessing Seer brings home the message God is indeed always listening and He does
answer prayers. This is an excellent book and I highly recommend it, especially to those whose faith needs a boost. The reason I gave it four stars
instead of five is because it is written in first person point of view. Although it is an effective way to make the story very personal to the reader,
this makes it appear to be an essay instead of fiction.
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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