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Devotion: Softcover


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars sunriserun63@aol.com (Sunday, 21 April 2013)
Rating: 5

In Devotion, Marianne Evans has penned a story that is so gripping and powerful that at times it almost hurts. Devotion is an expertly-crafted look
into the manner in which worldly desires and yearnings can lead to a breakdown in all that is held dear, even a rock-solid marriage. The small
fissures lead to an unfathomable crack in the very heart of what God has joined together.

Yet, when all seems lost, Ms. Evans has a way of
piecing it all back together. Redemption and hope, faith and trust create something beautiful from the ashes. I cried, I laughed, and I cheered for
Kellen and Juliet. One reading of this amazing story was just not enough; I found myself returning for a second helping.

Find a quiet
corner and curl up with Devotion, but make sure you have plenty of time to spare. Because once you dive into this award-winning, masterfully-written
love story, you will absolutely not be able to put it down.
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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