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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars donnabasinow@yahoo.com (Thursday, 09 February 2012)
Rating: 5

Caught up in the mess left by the owner of the company, Rachel has to find a way to make a go of it on her own. Dealing with one crisis after another
she shows her strength of character and her willingness to do whatever she needs to because she is fully committed running the shop on her own.rnrnTim
has a lot at stake too, and goes through some major internal battles between what's best for the restaurant, as well as what's right - and what's best
for himself personally. Toss a bit of emotional attraction into the mix and sometimes it's hard to know what he should do.rnrnWhat a wonderful story
of learning to be independent and self-reliant - and then realizing there's more to life. Learning to lean on God and to trust others is a lot of work
and it can get a bit confusing sometimes trying to figure out what's best for everyone.rnrnGreat job, Robin! I loved it!
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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