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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars donnabasinow@yahoo.com (Wednesday, 28 September 2011)
Rating: 5

This is definitely a MUST READ. I absolutely loved it from start to finish (although I wish there was a lot more between those two points).rnrnIf
you're looking for a vacation in the tropics, but you just can't get there - read this book! The descriptions are phenomenal. It's as if you're there,
seeing it with your own eyes. Ms. Davy has a wonderful way of painting a moving picture with words.rnrnThe emotion between the characters flies off
the pages! Your heart flutters along with Savannah's from a simple touch of Grant's fingers. From fear, to guilt, to empathy, you feel everything
right along with them.rnrnThis is a classic retelling of Beauty and the Beast - and very well done! What a powerful little story with the wonderful
message of God's grace!
Date Added: 07/30/2013 by PBG Marketing Dept
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