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A Time for Singing


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Not long into Carol James’ A Time for Singing, the love triangle became obvious: Bad-Boy-Reminiscent-of-the-Guy-Who-Dumped-the-Heroine-at-the-
-Altar vs. Mr.-Perfect-in-Every-Way. But not only did the author put a delightful spin on this common trope, she served it up with a dose of mystery. And if you’re a music lover (like me), all those authentic details added layers to the story in a fresh, unique manner.
One of James’ strengths is bringing a scene to life in a multi-sensory way. Sitting in silence at the side of a lake becomes a “concerto of nature” with everything from the sounds of the lapping waves to crashing overhead tree limbs to “the piccolo trill of birds.” The author’s rich descriptions put the reader right in the scene.

It took a while for these characters to grow on me, but once they did, I couldn’t let go. The inevitable happy ending kept looking more and more impossible. Every time it was within reach, James snatched it away! I found myself begging the characters: no, don’t let her leave! and tell him how you feel! Never have I wanted to knock two fictional characters’ heads together as I did with these two!

The spiritual truths in this book are deep, the characters flawed, and God’s grace and mercy flows. Brava, Carol James!
Date Added: 05/22/2022 by Erin S.
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