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Protecting Annie


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Annie is the kind of character I love to hate. I strongly identified with Josh's "Miss Prim & Proper" moniker, and though she started out most unlikable, her bumbling mistakes as she adjusted to her new home began to endear me to her more and more, much to my surprise. She created plenty of laugh out loud moments, and I appreciated the faith journey of both Josh and Annie. Real life creates moments where we question and doubt. Having the courage to let go of those questions and doubts creates loveable, yet real, characters.

I loved this author's ability to paint me a picture with her words. There were so many brilliantly described situations in this novel. She also did a wonderful job creating her characters and giving them each their own unique voice and mannerisms.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book. I received an ARC copy from the author and am voluntarily sharing my unbiased opinion.
Date Added: 11/22/2021 by Judith M.
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