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Fateful Fall (Audiobook)

(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars She came to find a killer, will she also find love?

Fateful Fall is the second book I've 'read' from Erin Unger and like the first one it took me awhile to get into the story but then the last half a total 'WOW!' While I did guess the killer's identity fairly early on I was gobsmacked when I heard the how and the why. I say 'heard' because I listened to the audiobook version of the story. The first half of the book kind of reminded me more of a romance as both Cory and Ava skirt around their attraction to each other despite the fact that he has secrets and she won't be there for long. The suspense really took off in the second half and there were some pretty surprising twists and turns. Now I'm interested in finding the next book in the Worthington Detective Agency series.

The audio production of Fateful Fall delivered one of the most surprising, and unique in my audiobook listening experience, things right off the bat. The book has a double narrator. Yes, you read that right, there are TWO narrators! I loved it! The chapters from Ava's perspective are narrated by a woman and the ones from Cory's POV are narrated by a man. This really brought Erin Unger's novel to life in a totally new way.

On the whole, Fateful Fall was an enjoyable listen and I wouldn't hesitate to listen to any of Erin Unger's other books in audio format. If you are looking for a romantic suspense with a strong faith element you should check this one out.

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 04/05/2020 by Jasmine A.
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