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This Worthy Heart


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Celestina, a budding pro tennis player from the hinterlands with a passion for sculpting in clay and a backup plan as an accountant, moves to Chicago and immediately sees stars. In more ways than one. The rich, handsome but empty Jason thinks she’s the perfect eye candy as long as she’s obedient and has no more health issues. Cele’s perfectly willing to overlook his complete lack of empathy until she realizes it’s an unflattering mirror of herself.

She meets Sam, a chaplain who volunteers at the local food pantry, when he helps her after an accident. Later, after she turns away from a visit to the food pantry where he volunteers, accused by a coworker of slumming, Cele takes a good long look at what she’s becoming. But Jason’s lifestyle is a dream come true and she dithers when he agrees to help the food pantry.

Cele has some major growing up to do. Learning to be empathetic and developing a worthy heart might start best at home, with the help of an adorable little doggie creature who worms his way into her life and teaches her the value of being needed. Told from Celestina’s eyes, This Worthy Heart is a fun inspirational romance with a few sweet twists to make the reader wonder which path Celestina may choose.
Date Added: 03/21/2020 by Lisa L.
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