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A Foundation Of Fear (Audiobook)

(image for) 3 of 5 Stars3 of 5 Stars Their lives or more intertwined than they know...

I'm going to start off this review by saying that I made a big mistake in listening to this audiobook. Not for the reasons you might automatically think but because I didn't realize A Foundation Of Fear was the third book in the Risky Research series. Trust me, the books in this series are not standalone. Because of that I spent more time trying to understand what was going on than I did actually just enjoying the story. Don't get me wrong, as a suspense novel it wasn't too bad at all, and as an audiobook it was pretty good. I just had no clue who was who and what was going on.

This is the first book that I've read by Kim McMahill but I have a couple more so it certainly won't be the last. But, I have to tell you something, this is the first time that I ever remember liking a villain and almost sympathizing more than I did with the heroine. It was a totally weird feeling but I think it shows a fascinating facet of this particular author's writing style. Hey, with all of the books I read each year it's kinda nice to be caught off guard once in awhile.

As I mentioned I did listen to A Foundation Of Fear as an audiobook. I felt that overall the production quality was pretty good and did justice to Kim McMahill's novel. The narrator's voice was a good match for th characters and easy to listen to. While, I did make the mistake of listening to book 3 first I do know that I am now pretty curious about how and where it all started...

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 06/01/2020 by Jasmine A.
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