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The Tempering Agent (audiobook)

(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars Will the pursuit of justice cost them everything?

Around the time most girls wanted to become fashion designers I wanted to be an archaeologist. And that's what really attracted me to The Tempering Agent, the heroine is an archaeologist in Egypt. Talk about some amazing history and a totally exotic location! Toss in plenty of suspense and romance and you get a book that I wanted to read.

As a rockhound myself, I think my absolute favorite part of The Tempering Agent is how, author Victoria Pitts Caine chose to head each chapter with some great tidbits of information on gemstones and metals, all related to one key artifact in the story.

I first read this book a couple of years ago in print, and, with everything going on in the world right now I have plenty of time on my hands, so when I got my chance at it in audiobook I jumped at it. The sound and production quality were very good and the narrator had an easy to listen to voice, but, and this is my only negative, the narrator's attempts at English and Egyptian accents were not the best.

Whether in print or in audio Victoria Pitts Caine delivers a simple, easy reading or listenening, story packed with danger, intrigue, romance, and betrayal. It's also the story of a girl trying to find her way through grief and back into a life of faith and love.

I enjoyed my little jaunt into Egypt and the thrilling world of archaeology and antiquities...

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 06/10/2020 by Jasmine A.
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