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Northern Lights (audiobook)

(image for) 3 of 5 Stars3 of 5 Stars It was only going to be a short term job...

A simple easy to listen to romance set in the wilds of northern Canada. I think that's probably the best description of Northern Lights audiobook which was written by Sharon McGregor. At around 64 pages for the e-book and a little under two hours for the audiobook it's also a pretty fast read as well.

While I can't say that I was all that excited by the story, though there was a touch of danger and mystery, I did enjoy the narrator's voice which was a pretty good match for the heroine herself and for her age.

All in all, it wasn't a bad way to spend a couple of hours keeping my mind busy while I my hands were occupied with boring tasks.

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 04/30/2020 by Jasmine A.
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