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Sweet Peas in April (audiobook)

(image for) 3 of 5 Stars3 of 5 Stars Each is the last person the other wanted to see...

Sweet Peas In April is the fourth book in the Flowers Can Be Fatal series by Clare Revell but it is only the third that I've listened to. I found the dynamic of a husband and wife separated by tragedy and poor communication, now forced to work together and rely on each other, to be unusual in romantic suspense and quite fascinating to listen to.

One of the things that I like about the Flowers Can Be Fatal series is that each one is quite different. They all have that charming British flavor, flawed characters, romance, and danger. But no two stories have been a repeat, which is something that I've really liked. I did find it kind of fun that Sweet Peas In April is loosely connected to the previous book and takes place a little while later. Totally a nice touch on Clare Revell's part as I had gotten kind of attached to some of the characters.

As with the previous books in the series the narrator for the audiobook is the perfect choice with her spot on accent. But. Sorry to say, there's a but. The audio quality and sound level are not great. While annoying, I didn't find the recording problems to be a deal breaker and I definitely plan on listening to the rest of the series since I've been enjoying them quite a bit.

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 10/03/2020 by Jasmine A.
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