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Violets in February (audiobook)

(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars Can two such complete opposites attract?

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect when I started Violets In February. Clare Revell is a new to me author, though I've heard of her before. What I got was a danger-filled romantic suspense story with some definite African Queen (the Humphrey Bogart & Katherine Hepburn movie) vibes.

This story is a bit on the gritty side, at least in language and violence, though not majorly so. The difference between British, Clare Revell is a British author, and American Christian fiction is noticeable. But, if you like grittier romantic suspense, as I sometimes do, and enjoy British fiction I wouldn't let those things stop you.

I listened to Violets In February as an audiobook. There was one big negative and one big positive. The minus is that the sound quality is not that great, it sounds like it was recorded with lower budget equipment. The plus is that I loved the narrator! Her accent was spot on for Lucy and pretty good for Jed. Overall I enjoyed the story and narration so I do plan on listening to more books in the series...

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Date Added: 10/03/2020 by Jasmine A.
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