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Yellowstone Yondering


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars I've never been to Yellowstone, in fact all I know of it comes from watching Supervolcano.
But having said that I now feel like I've been there. Kristen Wilks does an amazing job of describing the scenery that you are right there with Kayla and Alexander, the sternest park ranger I've ever come across.
The only thing that erupts in this book is tension between a rule obsessed ranger and a woman determined to break those rules so long as she gets her dog back before the bears, hot water and other wild beasts find him first. But it's not all tension, there are a good few giggles along the way.
Hard to put down, this was a book I didn't want to end or put down. A real page turner from start to finish.
Date Added: 11/29/2020 by Clare R.
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