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Yellowstone Yondering


(image for) 4 of 5 Stars4 of 5 Stars I did not know so many things could go wrong on a trip! Kayla Dinnen had many unexpected conflicts with wildlife when she decided to stop in Yellowstone for a few animal photos. These encounters usually were funny in some way.

{“After snatching up the keys, Kayla turned toward the SUV and came face to face with a full grown grizzly bear.

Ursus Horribilis”}

The worst collision may have been with stuffy Ranger Alexander Brandt when she ignored his attempts to save her from any harm. She had to get her Scottie back when it ran away though! There were too many wolves, bears, and other dangers for a little dog to survive on its own. In her desperation, Kayla repeatedly disregards Ranger Brandt’s instructions and the warning signs around Yellowstone.

Alexander takes his job too seriously. Still suffering from a personal loss in a tragic accident years before, he is determined to protect other people at all costs. He reminds everyone that ‘rules exist for a reason’.
What was supposed to be a quick drive through the park for wildlife pictures to sell to bloggers, turned into a longer stay. Kayla was not prepared for a camping trip. All she has are her camera, a bright yellow motorcycle, some old yoga pants, a little cash. She ends up roughing it.

Kayla’s makeshift campsite happens to be near Ranger Brandt’s cabin which proves hilariously convenient as she frequently needs rescuing from wildlife. Kayla and Alexander begin a friendship over a couple cups of cocoa, some dark chocolate with candied ginger bits (see the yummy giveaway below), and playing games of chess and a strategic board game. They both love motorcycles.

{”Your bike’s in great shape, despite the bumper sticker.”

Kayla blinked and gave the man a slightly dramatized sigh. “Of course she is. This is how I get around. If I treat her like a lady, she won’t leave me stranded by the side of the road.”}

My new motto…
“One good book deserves another!” Most of my book reviews include a suggested ‘Companion Read’ but not all.

I loved that Yellowstone Yondering explores the essential values of emotional and moral purity while dating and saving sexual relations for marriage. Ranger Brandt had planned to not kiss any women until he kissed his future wife on their wedding day.

I loved Kayla’s self-insight into where she needed improvement. She was intent on saving her dog which I get. Learning to think about the safety and needs of others was a major move forward.

Poor Ranger Brandt needs someone like Kayla to help him get out of his shell of fear and learn to live. He gets into trouble the more she stays in the park though. The question becomes a matter of who will rescue whom.

Kayla’s harrowing search for her dog leads her into a dangerous situation with a group of foolhardy park tourists. Apparently rabid raccoons, foraging bears, and stampeding bison are not the most dangerous creatures in Yellowstone!

Yellowstone Yondering is a cute and quick read. There is a yummy cranberry shortbread cookies recipe at the back of this book. The epilogue is perfectly cute! I am excited to read more of Kristen Joy Wilks’s books in the near future. If you have a furbaby, you may enjoy this clean romance more than I. I hope you read and review it too!

I received a free advanced reader copy of this book. All opinions are completely my own.
Date Added: 06/06/2020 by Ruth Ann L.
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