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Lioness: Mahlah's Journey


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars I'd like to offer you my review of Lioness by Barbara M. Britton. I received an advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review. Thanks.

Wow. 5 stars for this beautiful story. The Old Testament came to life for me in this story about 5 orphaned girls who have been wandering with Moses in the desert. When the time draws near for them to stop wandering, and finally have a homeland, their father dies, leaving their fate uncertain. These young women live in a patriarchal time, and it is a big risk to stand up for themselves to their elders, but they gather their courage and petition Moses for land of their own to make a home, and to keep their father's name from being lost from history. Boy, did they succeed. They're mentioned several times in the Bible, for their courage, and for their role in changing Jewish law and changing history. This story does a wonderful job of making them flesh and blood, real people I could relate to, mourn with, worry over, and rejoice with. I highly recommend this book.

Thanks for publishing this beautiful story.

Kristin - PBG Booklover
Date Added: 10/24/2019 by PBG M.
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