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Lioness: Mahlah's Journey


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars The Holy Bible is made up of 66 books. Some people are mentioned by name and some aren't. But there are 5 sister's in the book of Numbers that Author Barbara M. Britton has made to come to life. In Numbers, their father dies, they ask for his portion of land, and it's granted to them. But Author Britton has given us a glimpse of what the hardships must have been for those 5 NAMED sisters. Her take on the culture at the time (Biblical) to what the culture is now gives us a more in depth feeling of what their lives must have been like and the dangers they endured. Not only of the land, the enemy nations, but their own clansmen that believed women didn't have a voice in matters. Very enjoyable and thought provoking! This story is the point of view of the oldest sister, Mahlah. I'm looking forward to the other four sisters stories!

Deb- PBG Booklover
Date Added: 10/19/2019 by PBG M.
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