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Westward Hope


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars I am a believer. It always does my heart good to read about how only God can transform a soul. Well done! No distracting editing errors that I could notice. It held my interest all the way through. Quite realistic. Unfortunately, I have run across well intended authors, in this particular genre, whose stories I find “corny.” Unrealistic in ways. It was refreshing not to read explicit sex scenes.
As an author, you managed to accomplish how the two main characters, Michael and Caroline, were deeply drawn to each other both physically and emotionally without the aid of graphic sexual content. I realize sex is a big selling point for many authors. I believe that a creative writer can make it just as intense. As you did!

There was a couple things that, for me, would have made the characters even more authentic. Some of the dialogue used by the “ bad guys,” and Jenny, for for example, seemed a bit tame considering who and what they represented. I’m not encouraging you to use vulgar language, at all, but some of the terms and lines were dated, for sure. A bit, Barney Fife, if you will. Something that wold be used in the old series, Bonanza. Just saying...

In my opinion, and this is strictly my opinion, I think when a Christian author picks a story line that personifies the realities of life, the humanistic and often times dark side of human nature, the Christian writer has quite a burden to face between keeping it clean and keeping it “real!”
As a reader, it has to be real for me. There is usually always some predictability in all stories.
Although I knew the two main characters would end up together, it was done with many obstacles in their way. Especially Michael needing to turn his life over to God. Predictable but not boring. Good job!!
Marina L _PBG Booklover
Date Added: 06/29/2021 by PBG M.
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