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Westward Hope


(image for) 3 of 5 Stars3 of 5 Stars A Diamond in the Rough

I REALLY wanted to fall in love with Mr. Moriarty, but unfortunately, I didn't. I enjoyed the historical & spiritual foundation this book was built upon, but for me, it lacked emotional depth. I think this author could easily develop a deeper emotional attachment to her characters through the technique of "show don't tell". As a reader, I don't want to be told everything about a character, I want to have it be revealed through overhearing dialog or glimpses of the characters when they don't know anyone is watching.

For example, we really didn't get to know Samuel before he was whisked away from us. I would have liked Caroline to accidentally observe Samuel trying to be like Mr. Moriarty (mimicking his mannerisms, speech, etc.) as this young boy tried to be manly like the adventurous guide he would perceive Michael Moriarty to be. Doing this would have made us be more emotionally attached to both characters. Also, we missed a great opportunity for Caroline to see Mr. Moriarty trying to overcome his own heart wrenching grief when he failed to keep Samuel from his early demise. There would have been a great moment of tenderness to be shared between Caroline and Michael as he processed his guilt and loss that would've allowed us to see this scoundrel had a tender, loving heart.

I would've liked to have Caroline discover Mr. Moriarty making small moccasins from leather he purchased at the trading post. She could have snidely remarked about the size of them being too small to hold his large feet (or his huge ego) and then later discover he had been making them and giving them (for free) to the barefoot children he met on the Oregon Trail.

These are just a few ways I might have been able to fall in love with Mr. Moriarty... to "discover" the heart of a scoundrel which would have allowed me to have a deep, emotional investment in both the characters and the story.

Be that as it may, I am honestly glad I had the chance to review this book... I noted another reviewer said this is a debut novel from Kathleen D. Bailey and while I didn't find the "full meal deal" in this particular novel, it's a good first offering. I look forward to seeing future novels from this author as I think she has promising potential if she can add more emotional depth to her characters to supplement the solid historical and spiritual foundations she already possesses.
Lori - PBG Booklover
Date Added: 11/28/2019 by PBG M.
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