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Westward Hope


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Westward Hope by Kathleen D. Bailey is the story of traveling across the country from Missouri to Oregon. New friendships are made and broken, some broken by death others by opinions. Caroline O’Leary is at the end of her rope so to speak. She lost her husband to disease and had to sell the farm. She is broke and decides to hire on as a cook for the wagon master and his scout for the trip to Oregon. She soon learns the scout is a man from her past. Michael Moriarty has a past and is being chased by two men from Ireland where he is accused of committing a crime. Both are hoping for a new life in the west. Will they also find a new relationship with each other or will their regrets and unforgiveness hinder them?
Enjoyed this story and found it to be a fresh look on the journey west. The main characters were well developed and I felt bad when something happened to one of them. While Caroline is a strong believer in God and Michael is not the issue of believing is handled in a very nice way not pushy or preachy. I give this book 5 of 5 stars and will read more by this author.
I received an advance copy of this book through Pelican Books Group in exchange for my honest review.

Thank you for this opportunity.
Christena Kaufman - PBG Booklover
Date Added: 10/27/2019 by PBG M.
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