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Summer Flash Burn


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Although this is the second book in a series, it stands alone as well as a great addition to the story of the Worthington Agency ladies. Shauna, a former military-turned-private-investigator, working with Ava and Jillian, tries her hardest to not be taken for a helpless female. She pulls it off outwardly as a protector and enforcer, but her inwardly thoughts lean more toward a closer, even romantic, relationship with Christopher. But Christopher’s anger toward God for having lost both of his parents, one by leaving him and his father, and by the murder of his father has put a wall between him and God. Shauna knows that she cannot allow herself to think of Christopher as anything but a client and a friend until that wall is dismantled. If that doesn’t happen, she just may rejoin the military, where she feels more comfortable.

Ava, whose story is told in the first book, Fateful Fall, and Jillian are rooting for the relationship, but are more focused on the investigation which takes several turns before it’s inevitable conclusion. Shauna and Christopher remain friends throughout the trials and dangers faced.

Shauna’s story is light fun, for the most part, but challenging in it’s Christian theme of following the will of God, despite the will of the heart toward the more romantic side of relationships.

I’ve enjoyed reading it and am anxious for the next book in the series.
Date Added: 10/11/2019 by Duane S.
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