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In an Instant


(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars What would you do if all a sudden your spouse disappeared and all that keeps coming to the surface is secrets they have kept from you? This is an exciting, suspenseful romance by an author I had not read before. That is about to change, I was pulled right into this story trying to figure out what happened to Julie McGomery. There was no preaching in this book but from cover to cover we see characters that are dedicated to God. Even though they are Christian's they learn to trust God in a way they never have. For Officer Cooper watching how the main characters get through this harrowing situation, I wonder if he may change his mind of what he thinks of God. The people in this story are true to life with how they handle Julie's disappearance there is anger, fear and turmoil but ultimately end up in prayer. I especially enjoyed how this story ended it was the perfect way to show forgiveness had happened.
I received a free download of this book from The Pelican Group, I would like to thank them for introducing me to a new author. I am writing this review because I wanted to share my own opinion of this book.
Cyndi - PBG Booklover
Date Added: 10/24/2019 by PBG M.
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