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(image for) 5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars Secrets layered on secrets layered on rumors and the glitter of Hollywood greed frame this story of a young woman trying to make her way in the world. As a photographer after her mother's fame, Danica Bennett bides her time and talent while building an undercover reputation as a paparazzi, one of the insidious interlopers who would do anything to get a candid photo to sell to the public. When she wandered onto the backstage of a new television show, she's mistaken for an extra, and one thing leads to another, including a mutual attraction and growing relationship with the megastar of the show. Danica's agent is the only one who knows the truth of her identity as the popular paparazzi nicknamed Mamarazzi and demands a photograph that would rock even Hollywood. When Danica learns a dearly-held secret, misunderstandings begin to weave a cruel web.

Danica's naiveté and innocence is the only thing that keeps her from falling into the depravity she abhors. As Danica's star rises and even her cousin crawls out of the woodwork to ask for favors, Danica comes under pressure from her agent who will spill her secret if Danica doesn't come through. As Danica learns what it’s like to be the one who's stalked by paparazzi, she realizes the enormity of the damage paparazzi can do. Coming clean has a high price. She wonders what could be left if she tells the truth.
Date Added: 01/29/2020 by Lisa L.
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