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Baby Bunco

  • Author: Julie B Cosgrove
  • Other Titles by Julie B Cosgrove


    Who would leave a newborn baby in the bathtub of a condo in Sunset Acres, a retirement community, and why? And was a young woman slain behind the convenience store across the highway it’s mother? Janie and the Bunco Biddies want to find out, but soon they discover sleuthing can get...

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    Who would leave a newborn baby in the bathtub of a condo in Sunset Acres, a retirement community, and why?

    And was a young woman slain behind the convenience store across the highway it’s mother?

    Janie and the Bunco Biddies want to find out, but soon they discover sleuthing can get a bit dicey.

    PBG M. A generic image

    Baby Bunco by Julie B Cosgrove is a delightful Christian cosy mystery and I really enjoyed it. It is the second book in the Bunco Biddies series but can be read as a stand-alone. Baby Bunco has all the elements that entertain – a murder, a mystery and mayhem caused by a group of super sleuthing sixty something ladies. Very reminiscent of a group of Miss Marples and highly amusing. The crimes are serious but the ladies are not. They are keen to solve the mystery but grounded in routine and they love their food and pets. There is a camaraderie between the women and between them and the police. Their age is respected, as is their opinion. Their friendship is clearly visible. The ladies are kind, caring and capable. I adored Baby Bunco. It was wonderfully written and just perfect to wile away an afternoon. The ending has left it open for another book – more please Julie Cosgrove. I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views express

    PBG M. A generic image

    This is the first book I’ve read about the Bunco Biddies, but it sure won’t be the last, with a serious subject matter the author did allow for a few chuckles. I could just picture these seasoned citizens and their sleuthing, and they sure seem to get things right. Almost made me want to live at Sunset Acres, with the friendships these folks have and they seem to be there for one another at all times. The story is fictional, but with some research I did find that Nepal does sell kidneys, how sad, and yet you could find yourself on the other side, desperately needing one. Of course, this is the perfect money making deal for criminals, and not the poor donors, just another reason why we should all become donors. This was a great subject matter, and unfortunately it seemed so real, and to add the senior snoops was a wonderful idea, and although there are some really tense moments, the book had a great page-turning pace, a great topic for a book. Thank you to Pelican Book Group for prov

    PBG M. A generic image

    At first glance, Janie Manson seems like a typical senior citizen. A widow living in Sunset Acres, a Texas retirement community, she plays Bunco weekly, walks every morning with friends, and owns a cat. But she has another side, that of a crime solver with a mind sharp as a tack! Janie’s late husband, Jack, a police detective, used to discuss all his cases with her. Her insight helped him to solve many cases. Because of that, Jack received many awards, and is a well-known hero at the Alamoville Police Department—much to son-in-law Blake Johnson’s chagrin. Blake, also a Chief Detective, doesn’t know which is worse: trying to live up to the legendary work of Jack, or attempting to kept Janie from interfering with current police investigations. When a newborn baby is found abandoned in one of Sunset Acres empty homes, Janie knows there is more to the story, and immediately goes to work to figure it out. She hopes her Bunco Biddies friends will help her look into it. Before she is do

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