Prism Submission guidelines

Prism Book Group publishes fiction in the following genres: ​

  • Fiction
  • Teen/Young Adult
  • Romance
  • Inspirational Romance
  • Christian Fiction ​

We accept only works that are Christian or clean and wholesome in nature. All must contain a positive message, whether with or without a Chrsitian element. PLEASE NOTE: while Prism is open to quality fiction of various genres, we are a Christian-owned company and do not consider manuscripts that promote topics or theology that opposes mainline Christiantiy.

For all imprints:

We have no interest in reading...

  • Erotica, erotic romance, or stories where characters engage in detailed sex. While natural romantic tension is encouraged in our romances (we want to feel the emotion the hero and heroine feel for one another) we have no interest in books that spend word count on the explicit, physical culmination of those feelings.
  • Stories that promote atheism, witchcraft or devil-worship.
  • Stories that include curse words or anything of graphic nature.
  • Serious injury, rape, violence, or abortion portrayed in a positive light.
  • Hate literature and positive portrayal of negative stereotypes.
  • Partial works. Only send a query when your story when it is finished and polished.

Manuscripts should be between 25,000 and 80,000 words.

Characters and situations must be realistic

All romances must end in a happily-ever-after

All non-romances must end either in a happily-ever-after or a happily-for-now

While we don't automaticall reject plot-driven stories, we prefer emotionally-driven stories. Make the reader laugh and/or cry; draw out the emotions!

Prism Lux

Prism Lux is our Christian fiction imprint. For this imprint, we acquire all Christian fiction sub-genres from romance to sci-fi/fantasy and everything in between. Lux titles feature strong heroes and heroines who are Christian throughout the story or who come to a knowledge of Christ before "the end." These stories contain a strong Christian message that adheres to mainline Christianity (e.g. The Trinity as one God, three Persons; Through the grace of Christ's Pascal sacrifce, all can receive salvation...)

Prism CW

Prism CW is our clean and wholesome fiction imprint. For this imprint we acquire all fiction sub-genres from romance to sci-fi/fantasy and everything in between. PCW titles feature strong heroes and heroines who have a strong moral compass. While these titles do not have a Christian element, PCW titles feature characters who understand right from wrong and ultimately understand the right choice even if they come to that conclusion by living through not-so-great decisions.

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