Two distinct sets of villains. Two orphaned children. A man without a country and a woman with too much past...All in a rambunctious young country...... more info
After years of wandering, Pace Williams expects to find a home in the Oregon Country. He doesn't expect to fall in love with a fiery Irishwoman...... more info
Red Dawn's world was shattered in a single vengeful act, an act that brought her to into the home of the enemy. She couldn't love a white...... more info
After years of wandering, Pace Williams expects to find a home in the Oregon Country. He doesn't expect to fall in love with a fiery Irishwoman...... more info
Christmas Extravaganza 2019 The only life Viola Chivers ever wanted was here in these Klamath Mountains, loving and serving her family. Pa's...... more info
Selah Award Winner 2020 - 2nd Place Western Category Why him? Why here? Why now? Caroline Pierce O'Leary expects to work hard to earn her...... more info
Selah Award Winner 2020 - 2nd Place Western Category Why him? Why here? Why now? Caroline Pierce O'Leary expects to work hard to earn her...... more info