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Siobhan's Beat

  • Author: Marianne Evans
  • Other Titles by Marianne Evans


    Has the dream ended before it's begun? Tragedy strikes the Sisters in Spirit, presenting a challenge the likes of which God alone can shape into goodness.  Siobhan Douglas can't carry a tune–but her expressive, joy-filled dances give Sisters in Spirit its unique presence with...

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    Has the dream ended before it's begun? Tragedy strikes the Sisters in Spirit, presenting a challenge the likes of which God alone can shape into goodness. 

    Siobhan Douglas can't carry a tune–but her expressive, joy-filled dances give Sisters in Spirit its unique presence with a delightful energy that flows straight from Siobhan's soul. Celebrating a recording contract has turned to horror following a car accident that leaves Siobhan broken–physically and emotionally.

    Orthopedic surgeon AJ Cooper is driven by the world of healing. He even thought he was fulfilled–until Siobhan. He's never met a more enchanting and determined patient. He's never  been more tempted to leave behind a career-centered focus...
    But Siobhan battles demons the likes of which she's never encountered and she's certainly not going to complicate her life further by falling in love with her doctor. Dancing was her gift. Why would God take it away? Is she not meant to be part of the Sisters in Spirit?

    Can Coop's healing hands and ready heart pave the way for Siobhan to recover not just in body, but in spirit as well?

    Sherry Dennis A generic image

    This is a review of the second book in the "Sisters in Spirit" series by Marianne Evans. This book focus' on Siobhan Douglas, a beautiful, talented, graceful ballerina and a woman of faith. With her friends, Alieen, Kassidy, and Maeve, they make-up the newly signed group "Sisters in Spirit." Siobhan is not a singer, but she shares her talent, grace and love for God with others by ballet dancing to music while her friends sing. Things are going well as they get ready for making their first CD/DVD and going on tour; but after a freak accident, everything changes for Siobhan. She is devastated with so many uncertainties about the tour or even dancing again. " Why did this happen," “What about the group or the tour,” she ponders. Her friends and brother Liam rally around her during the long recovery and help Siobhan keep the faith. She meets Doctor Al Cooper in the hospital, who is also a man of faith and he is an integral part of her recovery. I loved this book. It is my favorite, probabl

    PBG Marketing Dept A generic image

    I’ve read many book series before. Some, I can’t wait to read the next in line, while others I feel are a repetition of the previous book with different names. Marianne has created a series in this quartet of stories that are so closely connected they should be read as one story, yet in order—Aileen’s Song, Siobhan’s Beat, Kassidy’s Crescendo, then Maeve’s Symphony. Like any piece of music, there is a definite beginning, middle and end. The music takes us to a crescendo and fades to another scene, until at last, the final note is played, complete with drums and visions of dancing. As I read this series, I could see the progression from one to the other. Maeve’s story wouldn’t have been possible if the events of the others hadn’t happened. Well, God could’ve worked it out another way, but this is such a beautiful picture of the many things lining up to bring us to the beautiful, explosive end where the entire audience springs to their feet, applause thundering, rattling the raf

    PBG Marketing Dept A generic image

    Have you ever longed for that once in a life time kinda friendship where you are free to be fully you? It doesn't matter what you say or how you feel you know you will be loved. When you are with that person everything feels in tune and with out trying your hearts sing praises to the LORD and your feet begin to dance just because you are together. Sisters in spirit is a well written series of four books that take you on such an amazing journey. You will learn that our hearts can sing for many reasons friendship, love and talent when used for GOD. Each one of these placed together makes up our symphony of life lending movement to our feet. Purity comes in many forms for each type of relationship. Keeping GOD first is a type of purity that honors Him making us sing the high notes. Honesty and openness with true friends is the melody of life and purity with the opposite sex before marriage and during is the crescendo GOD has planned for us. Marianne Evans writes it all so clearly and cle

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