A Marianne Evans creation with Pelican Book Group

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New Video

Nothing to Hide

Sometimes, we want to fit in so badly that we lose sight of what's important. We may give in to societal pressure and surrender our purity, or we may make an idol out of our outward appearance. Beauty comes from within, from God. "Nothing to Hide" reminds us that there are more important things than those which are on the surface.


While there is nothing wrong with "looking good" -- with body-building, with adding makeup or nice clothes to present ourselves well, for example -- focusing on the superficial can be detrimental when we place those attributes above truly important attributes such as charity, integrity, faith.


We hope you enjoy the video. Remember, you can get a free copy of our song. Check the links on this page for details.


God bless you!
Sisters in Spirit

Pure...the new sexy

Promote Purity

Sisters in Spirit