Pelican Non-Fiction Submission Form

Pelican Non-Fiction Submission Form

This form is for NON-FICTION only. Please use our other submission form if you are submitting a fiction project.

  • Before submitting, please read our guidelines carefully to ensure your project fits what we publish. Thank you for understanding that we cannot respond to queries that do not follow our guidelines.

  • Is This a Resubmission?
    Is This a Resubmission?

    If you have ever submitted this manuscript to White Rose or Harbourlight, please mark YES. Resubmissions are acceptable.

  • Category
  • Please tell us the actual word count per your word processing program *not* a calculated estimate.

  • If you are submitting a Bible study or counseling book, include any credentials you may have

  • Please list any previously published titles.

  • Bible Translation
    Bible Translation

    Please note that these are the only translations we will accept. If you use a different translation and your book is contracted, you will be required to change the quotes within your book.

  • Comparable titles to yours

    Please add three titles published in the last year that would be comparable to your book.

  • If we publish your story, what is the number one reason a bookstore should carry this book?

  • Who will be driven to buy this book? Describe the types of potential readers, their levels of expertise, their typical job positions, conferences and shows they would attend, publications they would read, etc. Specific information on the size of the audience is also useful.

  • Please tell us anything else you feel is relevant for our evaluation process.

  • This isn't a required field. We're just curious to know how you heard about Pelican. Your answer or your decision not to answer doesn't affect your submission at all.

  • Please paste the first chapter of your story. If you have a Prologue, please include the Prologue and first chapter.

  • Title is unpublished
    Title is unpublished

    We do not accept submissions on works that are now or have been published. Please wait to submit until you have a previously unpublished title. Thank you.

  • Manuscript is complete.
    Manuscript is complete.

    We do not accept submissions on works in progress. Please wait to submit until you have a complete and polished manuscript. Thank you.

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